I have a ton of things that I need to do, but I’m going to write this anyway. I need to go to the gym, do laundry, go to Target and get organization items for my new desk, and clean and organize my room. Then I have a family BBQ and one of my best friends is coming up to visit..so I’m going to have to write this real quick, and then hop off to do other things, I’ll check in later, maybe tomorrow
When I started Xanga 9.5 years ago, it was a very dark time in my life. My mom was abusing drugs and alcohol and abusing us (usually not physically, but the mental and emotional abuse was enough) and then I started remembering things that had happened to me as a child (if you’ve known me long enough, you know what I’m talking about). After high school, I abandoned Xanga. I didn’t have many friends here, but I had met this incredible person who helped me through a lot. Every time I needed to be talked down from suicide, he was around. I cannot ever thank him enough.
Throughout the years, I’ve come and gone from Xanga. In the beginning, I was unknown to most. What catapulted me into the public eye here was a post I wrote about tagging fellow Xangans. I took the names of all the popular Xangans of the time, and wrote a facetious post about tagging, and tagged them all. Yes, I remember this. I started making a lot of new friends, some have come and gone, and some have helped me through very trying times. I’ve blogged about very personal memories and events, and got support that I never even dreamed of. How amazing are these people? I’ve gotten the nicest comments and messages with encouragement to stay strong, that I am strong. I’ve inspired people with my strength. I’ve given just as much love and support as I’ve gotten. Xanga has helped me learn and grow as a person. I’ve left for a while, and come back, off and on throughout the years. This is my safe haven. This is my little corner to say what’s on my mind. Free from the eyes of the people I know in real life.
How can you tell me this is just another social media site? How can you compare this to WordPress, where you may get an obscure comment that’s impersonal? To Tumblr, where you just reblog pretty pictures? Sure, Tumblr is certainly addicting, I’ve spent many hours there. However, it’s nothing like the community of Xanga. How can you compare this to any kind of social media? It’s more than that! How can you justify these comments? How could you possibly?
I always thought Xanga would be here for me. How could it disappear? How could it break up with me after nearly 10 years? My soul is here, in these posts. My blood and tears. My secrets, away from prying eyes. If you think Xanga is nothing more than just social media, you might not belong here.
Also, add me on Facebook!!! Okay, I need to get ready to leave…