Month: April 2013

  • SEX

    I know I JUST wrote a post, but I want to take a poll of sorts.

    Is sex reserved for just love? Or can one have sex without love? Is it a problem if someone has a string of one night stands? Is there a line between hollow sex without emotion of the person, and if you are interested in the person, but not in love?

    I would be interested in hearing your thoughts..

    I personally think that there’s something wrong if someone has sex without at least interest in something more. Sex isn’t sacred, but it is very intimate, sharing a part of yourself that not everyone should see. I don’t think there has to be love, exactly..but something more than just “I just met you so let’s fuck.”

  • I’ve lost 6 pounds

    So, on my weight loss journey, I’ve had 2 pops in something like 11 days..I really have no idea how many days. I’ve been eating healthier, with Skinny Taste as my inspiration for healthy recipes. So far, my absolute favorite is the zesty avocado cilantro dressing that I’ve made for chicken. I also like the Skinny Green Monster first green smoothie!! Delicious! I tried the open faced tuna salad, not really a fan. I am a fan of everything avocado though!! Freaking delicious! I’ve lost 6 pounds thus far…and I’m excited to keep on going! Getting a gym membership soon…any suggestions for a work out playlist??

    Also, there’s only tonight and tomorrow to enter April’s giveaway!! Make any purchase and be entered into the contest!! The prize is a piece of jewelry of the winner’s choice from @LKJSlain!! So go, go, free jewelry!

    Also, masturbating every day is supposed to make one happier in one’s life. Jus sayin.

  • Goodbye

    To the withdrawals!! I’ve made it on the other side, whole, and feeling wonderful. I’ve had my first green smoothie, and I’ve been cooking and making all kinds of delicious foods. I’m also happy..because for reasons.

    Right now I’m writing a short story BDSM erotica. It’s going well! I just need a safe word to use in the story, and that’s what I’m stuck on :P

    Also, has anyone seen Hemlock Grove on Netflix? The entire first season? Amazing. I want to talk about it with someone!! Gahhhh it blew my mind…the last two episodes I literally sat there with my mouth open because I was so shocked and enthralled.

    Hope everyone is well. I’m going to write a little more, read a bit, and then get to bed :) <3

  • Fuck.

    Why in the hell am I putting myself through this? This is day 2 of no caffeine, and day 3 of no pop. I have never forced myself to quit all caffeine like this, and it’s horrible. This crash from lack of caffeine is making me SO freaking tired and disoriented. I’m not doing well at work because I feel exhausted, and I just woke up from a 2 hour nap. I still feel tired, and I’m fighting sleeping more. I want to read, but I don’t know if I can concentrate. I’ve had more water to drink in the last 72 hours than any other 72 hour period in my life. The worst thing I’ve had to drink is orange juice.

    I’m trying to eat healthier. If I could, I would drink coffee straight up, but I don’t like the taste, I think it’s disgusting. I have to sweeten it. I can tolerate some teas, but I’m trying to just kick caffeine altogether. Probably the healthiest thing to do. But goddamn, am I miserable right now. I keep wanting to cave, and have just one pop..but I’m not. I keep wondering when this withdrawl period will be over.

    Okay, done whining about my shit. I think I’m going to read now.

  • Drunk TinyChat party..?

    I think we should make this happen. Everyone grab some booze and get on camera on TinyChat and act like retards. I approve of this message…

    It’s been an up and down day. Started out horrible, started getting better. I was trying really hard not to cry at work. I feel betrayed by a couple of people :/

  • There’s nothing in the world like Emily

    I finally put some music on my phone, because I’m sick of streaming from Pandora and hearing the KIND of music I want to listen to but not the exact songs. This is also the first time I’ve been on my computer in days, and my battery is dying. But I was looking over a whole bunch of the music I have, and I get nostalgic about music I haven’t listened to in a long time, like Emily by From First to Last. Speaking of music, I went to a metal concert on Saturday night. It was a good time, and I got drunk and stayed up until something like 5:30am :D The first opening band was pretty awesome, and made me miss my darker side. The lead singer had a great stage presence for maintaining the creepy vibe of the band..with a creepy, maniac smile. They played a cover of Every Breath You Take, and I somehow found it sexy in a dark way, that the words found themselves in a dark corner of the bar, on the verge of being stalkerish in a cool way. Maybe what I’m saying doesn’t make much sense, but maybe they do if you’re a little dark like me. Or, maybe I’m a little twisted…I don’t know. I find some creepy things like that sexy sometimes.

    So. I have a lot that I want to say..but not yet, haha. Just that..hmm. Getting to know someone more is a welcome change in my life, and we’ll see where it goes..

    Listening to the soundtrack to Repo! The Genetic Opera. LOVES. Anyway….my website will hopefully be up and running soon!!!! SUPER EXCITED!!!! I’ll post it when I have it all set up XD

    I hope all of you are well..I would stick around, but my computer is about to die and I’m too lazy to get up and plug it in, haha.

  • Newwww!!!!

    I just wrote a blog post about Bitcoins. For those who aren’t that familiar with what Bitcoins are, I plan on doing a more in-depth blog about that soon. I posted the blog in two places…


    My new liberty blog: