Month: December 2012

  • SEX

    Well, erotica. Somewhat. Just a scene….

    But, you can read it then change your panties….

  • Let me know what you think!!

    So, I’ve just written my first post for Don’t Tread on Meme, which you can find HERE. Please let me know what you think! I would love to hear feedback…

    In other news, I’m still congested and my voice is all scratchy. I’m burning Cotton Candy and I can’t smell it at all :( I couldn’t really taste my dinner either. I just hope I’m back to 100% before I start work next week. I need to relax these next couple of days..

    I told my mother that I wanted to throw my plate at her face. She was being snide to me, and I couldn’t take it anymore. The way she talks to everyone…I just snapped. Not long before, she was also screaming at my sister about something, I don’t remember what. I am so glad I’m no longer there. I’m at my dad’s house for now..but I’ll be staying with Rachel soon, when I start work. Rachel lives closer to my job, so that’s nice. But I’m going to rest now…take some nighttime decongestant, hopefully fall asleep…


    So for those that have been following my life events recently, you know that I’ve been having a very hard time. (stick with the post until the end…best news is saved for last :D ) I’ve been on the verge of a breakdown, and had a couple of mini ones. My unemployment ended, and I’ve been forced to look for a job. I was lied to (or, “Misinformed”) by the unemployment office TWICE, about how long I would be able to be on unemployment, and how much I had to make in order to get back on unemployment. If I would have known the true situation before I did, I would have made plans to take care of my finances. Just another example of how government programs don’t work…

    So anyway, I ended up moving down to my mom’s to work for my step dad, where I was lied to YET AGAIN. My mom told me she had plenty of work for me, which wasn’t true. I worked less than 10 hours a week in the office. VERY frustrating, and I felt hopeless. I applied for about 100 jobs in the first three weeks (this is the fourth week). I didn’t have any money to pay my bills, and my phone has been on the verge of getting shut off, and my car repossessed. Candle sales were miniscule, for whatever reason (though the sales I have gotten have been VERY helpful!!!). BUT. I have SEVERAL pieces of good news. I believe that every piece deserves its own paragraph ^_^

    *My dad gave me $150 for Christmas. That is AWESOME. It will pay for my car insurance, which automatically gets taken out of my checking, and my account will go even more negative without this money (my car insurance is actually $78 a month, but I believe my account is a little negative at the moment).

    *My mom had gotten me a GORGEOUS Coach bag for Christmas, but she learned that I was two months behind on my phone bill ($430), and the phones were about to get shut off. My two other sisters are on my plan, and she didn’t want their phones to get shut off. So, my mom kept my Coach bag, and gave me $400 to pay my phone bill. Earlier, I paid $350 (for a good reason, I will explain later).

    *I got a lot of totally awesome Christmas gifts from my mom, including slippers that match a pair of pajama pants, another pair of pajama pants, a .925 silver ring with an Opal (all three of us, me, Rachel, and Taylor, picked this ring from the Avon catalog..which just HAPPENED to be the birthstone of our dead sister. So mom got us each this ring, and one for herself), a nice hoodie with a faux fur hood, tarot cards, earrings, and some other things. My sister Rachel gave me a huge eye shadow pallet and nail polish. Taylor gave me a cute bracelet.

    *I received word that I will officially be part of a special promotional feature on Free Talk Live, a Libertarian radio show. You can find more details on this in THIS POST.

    *I’ve gotten three candle orders this week that I will be shipping tomorrow. Yes, this is good news. I would have shipped them sooner, but I have been really sick the last couple of days…I still feel really dizzy.

    *The best news for last…I HAVE A JOB!!! Yesterday one of the recruiters contacted me about a temporary job, as a logistics clerk, taking over for someone on maternity leave. We had a phone interview, where she asked a lot of questions about my previous position, and asked what qualities I have that would be helpful with the job. She sent my resume and that additional info to the client, and they accepted me for the position!!! I will start next week, on Wednesday, and train with the pregnant lady until she goes on leave, and will be there until she comes back. They said the assignment should go until May. Even though it’s temporary, I’m hoping that, if I do a good job, they will want to keep me, and place me permanently in another position. Maybe…it could happen! So I will soon be able to make a car payment as well, and when I get my student loan money in February, I will catch up on the bills I’m behind on.

    So the reason I didn’t use the full $400 on my phone bill is because I REALLY need to go clothes shopping. The job calls for business casual dress, and I only have two business casual outfits..two pairs of dress slacks and two tops. I’ve been using them for interviews, lol. I also have some money left from working last week. I have a 20% off Kohl’s coupon, so I was thinking tomorrow or Saturday, of hitting up the clearance racks at Kohl’s, and maybe sales racks, if the sales are good enough. I’ll also hit up a couple of thrift stores. I really need at least a couple more pairs of dress slacks, and more tops.

    I kind of feel like I’m missing a piece of good news, but I don’t know what it is…hmm….but anyway, it feels so good to finally have a job. I will also be taking two evening classes at school, so I don’t have to start paying back my student loans right now..I can’t handle that.  Abnormal psychology!!!!!!! I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED TO TAKE THIS CLASS!!!!

    Things are looking up :D And now, I still feel dizzy from being sick…so I think I’ll lie down…but I kind of want to get these candle orders taken care of first…I hope everyone is well!!!!

    I remember what I forgot!! I started writing again!! On Christmas Day, I wrote 1700 words in Halfling..I’m almost done with the 11th chapter! I would have it finished by now if it wasn’t for this cold.. But 2013 is going to be dedicated to growing my business, and finishing my novel, and have at least a second draft completed. Good things for this coming year, good things..

  • Good things on Christmas

    Mom told me that she would pay my $430 phone bill (two months behind) so the phones don’t get shut off. But, she’s keeping the Coach bag she got me for Christmas. Which, is fine. I would rather have my phone, so I can get in contact with potential employers and job opportunities. And, my dad said that I don’t have to pay rent for January, and gave me $150 for Christmas. Hopefully I’ll be able to pay my car payment so it doesn’t get taken away. This weekend I need to get a storage unit so I can move all my stuff…or most of my stuff. At Public Storage, the first month is $1, so that’s nice.

    Also, I am writing the 11th chapter of Halfling! Yay!!

    And, I got two candle orders in the past few days, so there’s more good news. I REALLY hope things keep improving, I need it.

    Merry Christmas to all my friends, I love you. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today ^_^

  • Statistics regarding gun control

    I just watched a very well-thought out video from Stefan Molyneux about the facts surrounding gun control. Very interesting how people don’t think guns are ever used for self-defense, but it happens FAR more than violent crime with guns occurs. It’s pretty long, but definitely worth the time.

  • Drunk

    I haven’t been around much lately…I’ve been busy.

    So a friend of mine invited me to be her date to her office party, which was held in her boss’s “mancave,” or second garage, Friday night. I didn’t think I would be drinking, but, oh, I did….did I ever.

    The day for them (my friend, her boss, the two other employees and their SOs), started at 8:30 am, where they met at the boss’s house. A limo picked them up, and they drank mimosas in the limo, on the way to the Mall of America (about an hour and a half drive from there). The boss gave the employees $500 to shop with, and they spent all day at the mall. So when they got back to the boss’s house after shopping, I showed up literally as the limo was leaving. I started with drinking a couple of beers. Then I had a few shots of this really delicious drink that tasted like milk after cinnamon toast crunch. Had few more beers as we played tippy cup, had a mixed drink of Kinky and 7up, more beer, then my friend’s boss started mixing drinks and giving everyone shots. I had a mojito with fresh mint sprigs, a shot of Red Hot, and a shot of Hot Damn, I think it was called, kind of like Red Hot (at least, I think that’s what it idea). Needless to say, at the end of the night when people were dancing, I was sitting in one of the chairs, sleeping.

    It was mostly a fun night, and my friend’s boss is awesome..I wish I could work there. For the white elephant, I got a vibrating, fluffy ball. It’s awesome. The food was good and the alcohol was good too. I wasn’t hung over yesterday..I just felt really exhausted. My body sweated all the alcohol from my system as I slept..I woke up a few times in the middle of the night and damn was I hot…I felt like I was roasting.

    Anyway. I have a lot of things to do. Apparently the landlord has already found a replacement renter, and we have to be out sooner than I was planning…so instead of the 20th, I have to be out before the 11th. I don’t what the fuck to do. I have to put all my shit in storage…and I can’t even afford a storage unit right now. The only good news is that I have an interview with a staffing company on Friday who may have immediate placement for me…she was impressed with my test scores, she said I was “one smart cookie,” and she goes, “Yeah, we have to get you in here.” But still, even if I start something next Monday, I still won’t have a paycheck in time to help my dad with rent, or get a storage unit. It really sucks, because I don’t even know where to look for a job anymore. There are more jobs in the cities, but if I get a job there, I’m going to have to sleep on my sister’s couch for a few months until I can save enough money to get my own apartment. There aren’t as many jobs down here where my mom lives. Most of the jobs are something like fast food or retail, and I can’t live making such little money. I would never be able to pay my bills like that. And there’s a 90 mile difference, one way, between where all the real job opportunities are and where my mom lives. I’ve already spent all the money I make working for my step dad down here on gas, traveling up to the cities for interviews. I don’t even know if it’s worth it.

    But. Oh well I guess.. I’ll just keep applying for jobs in both places and see what happens….

  • This Too Shall Pass

    Sometimes, at the time, it’s hard to remember that bad situations are temporary. Yes, I’m feeling better, so no worries. “This too shall pass.” I have an ugly sweater holiday party tonight, and I had fun choosing an ugly sweater at a thrift store. Tomorrow is a holiday party with some friends.

    Anyway, I have a couple of things..there’s still free shipping. I haven’t been marketing the sale, so I’ll keep it open for a few more days. FREESHIP at checkout :D

    Also, I’m going to create a coupon code for referrals. For every person you refer that ends in a sale, you can use a coupon code that gets you 15% off. I thought it would be a good idea to spread the word about my business.

    Below are photos of the earrings I made, from the beads I got from @LKJSlain :D They are the first earrings I’ve ever made, so I am quite proud of them XD They are $8 each, and you can find them in the Jewelry section of my Etsy store.

    I am running low on the 4oz tins, and you can get a 4oz candle for only $5 right now with the free shipping! That’s pretty awesome, I do say!

  • Vagina…and free shipping!

    So, I know this is old, but it still frickin cracks me up….

    Just thought some people could use some laughs after such a serious and controversial post…

    Also, free shipping all this week. Though I can’t guarantee delivery by Christmas, free shipping is always nice! I added a couple of pairs of earrings to my shop, and you can check those out in the Jewelry section. I would add photos, but apparently Xanga won’t let me… You can visit my Etsy store HERE and enter FREESHIP to get free shipping on everything in the shop!


    I can honestly say that I’ve never blocked someone for disagreeing with me. I get really irritated when people do this to me…. @angys_coco..and I have nothing against you as a person or a blogger, but it’s not very mature.

    Look, if you’re going to write a blog post advocating some sort of position on a controversial subject, it would only be natural that you’re going to have people disagree with you. Especially if you have nothing to prove your stance. You’re basing your opinion on emotional factors rather than logical ones, and therein lies the problem.

    I am not advocating the death of innocent people. In fact, I despise people who murder innocent people. I wholly disagree with violence of ANY kind, EXCEPT for the natural right to defend oneself from attack. Yes, I feel empathy for surviving victims, and the families of the deceased victims. I am NOT glorifying mass murder. I advocate the use of guns and weapons ONLY in the event of self defense. There are always going to be people that choose evil, and it’s up to our own individual person to protect our own right to life. There is not always going to be a cop standing over a criminal holding a gun to your head to protect you. In fact, there never will be, because the cops are called AFTER the crime is already committed.

    That being said, a ban on guns will never work. It will only take guns out of the hands of innocent people who have the right to protect themselves. It would render people defenseless in the face of a crime being committed against them. Criminals can get a gun anywhere. They don’t have to go to a gun shop and try to buy a registered gun. In fact, nearly NO criminal would buy their gun in that manner (there are obviously exceptions to this). The people that have registered weapons are (most of the time) innocent people who look to defend themselves or hunt animals.

    We can look to so many examples on how banning things doesn’t work. We can look at drug laws and prohibition. We can look at examples in other countries to prove a point. Take drugs. Laws do not prevent the manufacturing, distribution, and consumption of drugs. Criminals don’t CARE about laws. Criminals will do whatever it takes to do what they want to do. If they want to sell drugs, they are going to sell drugs. If they want to get a gun, they are going to find a way to get a gun. Prohibition didn’t stop people from making and consuming alcohol. You ever hear of a speakeasy?

    Apparently, I’m deranged because I’m providing sound arguments to the matter. These things are true. Telling me I’m wrong without providing any reasons or counter arguments doesn’t do anyone any good. Saying something like this using emotion to think instead of logic and rational thought isn’t productive. Can you provide some sort of reason that I’m wrong? An example? I would be glad to hear it. Otherwise, blocking someone for disagreeing with you is childish.

    People have the right to defend themselves. Plain and simple. If someone has a gun at your head, would you rather die? Or would you pull out your own gun, unafraid to pull the trigger to protect your own life? Only someone who doesn’t value their own life would say no. You would rather die than be able to defend yourself? Because, as I said, a criminal doesn’t usually go through the proper channels to get a gun. A better deterrent is more people who are trained to use a weapon for defense purposes, not the banning of guns.

    I enjoy a good debate. In fact, I believe that debating is healthy, and allows other people to learn new perspectives, and maybe someone sees the other side more clearly. There’s nothing clear about me seeing your side when you tell me I’m wrong and deranged, and nothing more. I was blocked before I could reply to any comments, so I wrote a response blog to further explain my points.


    Oh my goodness, I am so excited!! So I was talking to Drew from Don’t Tread on Meme last night about the cost of custom dime cards, and I mentioned that ever since I had been to Libertopia, I had been wanting to start writing a blog dedicated to Anarchy, Liberty, etc. I pointed him in the direction of a post I had written here on Xanga, in which I had mentioned DTOM and other Agorists. SO. He made me a manager of the DTOM Facebook page, and also an admin on the DTOM website!! He said that blogging hasn’t been an area that they are strong in, so as long as I blog about agora and other related topics, I can write blog posts on the DTOM website and plug my business at the same time!! whaaaat!!!!

    I love being a part of this community, there’s so many amazing people that I’ve met. Just wonderful.

    You can visit the DTOM website HERE.

    You can visit the Facebook page HERE.

    For those that have no idea what Don’t Tread on Meme is, it’s an agorist company that advocates the use of alternative currency, in the form of silver…they make dime cards. Dime cards are laminated cards that put pre-1965 dimes in them. Dimes from 1964 and before are 90% silver, so a dime from 1963 is worth more than $.10. Today, according to the value of silver, a dime from 1963 is actually worth $2.34. As the value of the dollar deflates more and more as inflation rises, the value of these dimes and other coins made with mostly real metal, such as these dimes and real copper pennies, will rise. These real metal coins are pretty much priceless, considering what will happen when the dollar becomes useless. In case you didn’t know, dollars are debt currency, meaning you’re doing nothing but trading debt. Plus, dollars have no real value. It’s paper. And, it’s paper that is owned by the Federal Reserve. You don’t own your money. The Fed does, because it’s debt.

    I don’t know everything about economics, and it’s kind of hard to understand, but I’ve been trying to learn. All I know is that there are several problems with our economy and how it works (or, doesn’t work). Ever since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the value of the dollar has gone down 95%. And yet, economists would have you believe that printing $40B for QE3 is going to help ease the problems we are still seeing. The very root of the problem is the Federal Reserve printing more money when they don’t have the precious metal to back it up..and the printed money becomes meaningless, because it creates inflation, driving the value of the dollar down further. So that’s the fundamental issue…yet, they are printing more money to “take care” of the economy.

    Even Henry Ford said: “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

    I really think people should be more pissed off about the situation. I mean, it’s peoples’ LIVELIHOOD we’re talking about. This is the reason that more and more of the middle class is falling into poverty, and struggling. It’s a failing economic system. This is why I support DTOM and what they’re trying to accomplish by spreading the word, and I’m happy to become a part of it.